A. Chile—Copper/Gold

US$42 million equity investment into potentially world-class asset to complete drilling necessary to reach a PEA

B. Peru--Polymetallic

$10m equity and alternative finance transaction to expand mine and processing facility capacity at zinc/lead/silver/copper asset in Peru

C. US—Multi-Asset

$150m off-take pre-pay facilities into polymetallic mine in the US to complete production facilities

D. Finland—Silver

US$18 million streaming financing to complete development of silver mine in Finland

E. Australia—Silver/Zinc/Lead

US$23 million streaming financing used by company to complete development of polymetallic mine in Australia

F. Australia—Gold/Pyrite

US$20 million streaming financing for the processing of a large gold tailings asset in Australia

G. Nigeria--Tin

US$15m offtake financing in respect of three alluvial tin assets in Nigeria

H. Korea—Tungsten

US$8 million of equity to process tungsten tailings and re-start production at mine in Korea

I. US—Oil & Gas

US$50 million of equity to purchase conventional oil & gas assets in the Gulf Coast and Mid-Continental regions

J. Canada—Oil & Gas

CAD80 million to purchase and develop heavy oil assets in western Canada